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RSSLO Console

RSSLO software for connect Train simulator classis (64bit) with the Serial comunitonation (Ardunio and other boards) and nextion displays.  

Version: beta 0.6

Developer: RSSLO

This software is free to use. Manuals are included but only in english version. There is even example for ESP32 board for Arudino IDE. There is example for nextion display.

This software is in beta version, there is still some error can happend. Please send us if you get any problem.

You can download software here.

VERSION 0.6 (2023.07.31)

  • Fix problem with the to much controls in the display menus
  • Custom input/ouputs so it can be customized how much inputs and outputs do you need.

VERSION 0.5 (2023.07.28)

  • fix the problem with the automation connection
  • Add button for the start the game
  • Add Side display (second nextion display)
  • add colors in the selection (when changing settings of displays)
  • other small problems